(PECL tokyo_tyrant >= 0.1.0)
TokyoTyrantTable::get — Get a row
Gets a row from table database. keys is a single integer for the primary key of the row or an array of integers for multiple rows.
Single integer or an array of integers for multiple keys
Returns the row as an array or an array of arrays for multiple keys
例1 TokyoTyrantTable::get example
/* Connect to a table database */
$tt = new TokyoTyrantTable("localhost", 1979);
/* Passing null to put generates a new uid */
$index = $tt->put(null, array("column1" => "some data", "column2" => "more data"));
/* Get the row back */
array(2) { ["column1"]=> string(9) "some data" ["column2"]=> string(9) "more data" }