PDO ドライバ
PHP Manual

Driver 4D for PDO (PDO_4D)



この拡張モジュールは、 実験的 なものです。この拡張モジュールの動作・ 関数名・その他ドキュメントに書かれている事項は、予告なく、将来的な PHP のリリースにおいて変更される可能性があります。 このモジュールは自己責任で使用してください。

PDO_4D is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to 4D databases.

4D is an integrated platform that speeds and simplifies the development and deployment of business applications, used in over 70 countries, by a community of thousands of developers and vertical solution providers, with millions of end-users worldwide.

By offering a suite of integrated tools such as an ANSI SQL relational and transactional database, a graphical development environment, a fourth-generation language with over 1000 high-level commands, a built-in HTTP server, application server, etc., 4D facilitates the creation and maintenance of applications from one to hundreds of simultaneous users, whether on Windows, Mac or from any Web client.

4D is also an open platform, offering a complete API for plug-in creation, including various connectors that allow it to act as a back-end or front-end for many environments (Oracle via OCI, SOAP client or server, Flex data source, all ODBC databases, XML over HTTP, etc.)

In addition to the ability to interact with 4D applications across Web Services, 4D databases can now be directly accessed using the PDO_4D driver.

More details about the 4D development environment on » http://www.4d.fr/.

PDO_4D has been developed to work on Windows (Vista), Mac OS X (10.5) and Linux (Debian-tested). It is known to work with 4D versions 11.4 and up, for Mac OS X and Windows. Older plat-forms may work, but are unsupported.


PDO ドライバ
PHP Manual