DECEMBER 17, 2004
We apologize for the recent issues with our attempt to ease backflagging. Our coders and designers have worked tirelessly through the night to come up with tonight's update which should resolve the backflagging solution issues. We have also identified a few other issues and added corrections for them as well.
- Backflagging issues have been resolved.
- Raids can again enter Anguish.
- Huntress / High Priestess titles should now display correctly based upon gender.
- An itemization issue in South Karana and Splitpaw has been corrected.
- The debuff in the Muramite Trial of Efficiency will not cast as often.
- The mirrors in the Tower of Frozen Shadow should once again function properly.
- The Monk AA Hastened Purification of the Body has been corrected to be 10% of the newly reduced reuse time for Purify Body.
- Added the spell Tranquility of the Glade to the ranger's repertoire, which rangers can receive by turning in a rune.
- The berserker ability Crippling Strike should now have a fixed duration.