MARCH 10, 2004


The grammar police have invaded EQ and they have made many minor spell, item and quest text fixes that are too numerous to list here.

We'd like to thank all of the players that took time to provide feedback regarding the melee changes. We'd also like to send a special thanks to all of the players that helped us test the additions on the Test and Beta servers. All of the input we received helped to shape the improvements you've seen in the melee classes.

Please continue to give your feedback on the melee system or anything else that you feel requires attention. It does make a difference.

Over the last several months there have been several new additions to EverQuest aimed at increasing the desirability and relative power of pure melee classes.

The endurance system and the separation of the discipline timers have provided us with new tools to add interesting and powerful abilities in the future for melee classes. You can count on seeing new disciplines and abilities as the game progresses and as situations arise that require new abilities to effectively balance class power. We will continue to evaluate the melee system for both balance and enjoyment.

We will also continue to review and make changes to each individual class as needed. Class balance is an important part of any multiplayer game and requires constant attention.

Thanks for helping make EverQuest a great game.


The drop rate for the following Epic Quest items has been increased slightly:

Expedition zones:

You will now have to wait 5 minutes before you are able to accept another expedition zone.






Alternate Advancement:
