Highlights for today's update:
EverQuest: Gates of Discord Available Now!
Epic adventures now await you in EverQuest: Gates of Discord, the seventh expansion pack now available for EverQuest. Discover the lost continent of Taelosia and come face-to-face with invaders from the realm of chaos. Join armies of adventurers on their quest to unearth long-hidden artifacts of power from temple ruins, secret catacombs, dank sewers and vast marshlands. Should you fail, Norrath, its inhabitants, and its gods may fall under control of the forces of Discord!
Gain Entry into the Gates of Discord!
Exciting New Features!
Purchase EverQuest: Gates of Discord now and receive great discount offers from Creative Labs and Kingston. Special restrictions apply. (visit www.everquest.com for more details)
Play King's Court in Shadowhaven!
Shandeling's Roost in Shadowhaven again houses a game of chance. To play you will need to buy a King's Court Token. You then take this token and turn it in to the dealer for your class archetype. Based on what your hand turns out to be, you will be awarded a prize. The highest hands will return a gold ticket as the prize. This Ticket can be turned in to win prizes such as a Guise of the Deceiver, Fungus Covered Great Staff, or Holgresh Elder Beads. Good luck to all that play!
Opening a tradeskill container will now open a new user interface. In the window you will find an area that has all recipes that are currently available to you. This includes recipes that are at your skill level as well as some above it. Clicking on a recipe will display what items are necessary for its completion. Clicking the "combine" button will extract those required items from the player's inventory, and perform the recipe combine, placing the results on the player's cursor. The new system is nice and neat, with no dragging and dropping unless you want to try a combine that is way out of your league, which uses the old style of combination.