SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
Spell Changes:
- Changed all enchanter mesmerization spells so that they overwrite Screaming Terror.
- Changed Shaman epic effect (Curse of the Spirits) so that it would not conflict with certain Damage over Time spells.
- The Emissary of Thule Necromancer pet is now immune to fear.
- Beneficial buffs that don't have an ability drain component on them can now be clicked off.
Miscellaneous Updates:
- The server selection screen now only gives information on whether or not a server is up instead of providing player counts. In addition, the "count" option on the /who command has been restricted to internal personnel. Servers on the server selection screen are still ordered from least-populated to most populated in order to assist players in choosing the least populated server.
- Harla Dar has been repaired (this happened sometime earlier than today, but we wanted you to know).
- Reactivated broken zone line between Qeynos to the Sewers. A dead halfling was stuck in the drainpipe and has been removed.
- Fixed a long-standing bug that was causing Feign Death to fail when several characters were on the NPC's hate list along with the character using Feign Death. We'd like to extend much thanks to the monk community who helped us track this one down. Also fixed a problem with the monk's 'Block' skill which inadvertently was recapped at a lower than normal skill level in recent months. Kudos to "Faned" of the "Monkly Business" bulletin board who brow-beat Gordon with the facts until he gave in and looked at the code.

- As announced earlier this week, the Belt of the Cenobite was made usable by some inappropriate classes/races in the last patch. This has been corrected.
- Several quest components in zones with the Trivial Loot Code will now be lootable regardless of level.
Norrathian News:
Boisterous shouts can be heard across the lands as carriers herald the arrival of the latest volume of their city's newspapers. Citizens rush to get a copy of these publications to read the featured articles, latest gossip, and community news for their hometowns.
Announcing Test of Tactics III:
Yes you heard right, Test of Tactics will be making its return to the lands of Norrath in October and November. This event will present teams of 18 members in a battle to the death. Only the strong of body and mind will survive and come out of the arena victorious. For more information on the event and sign up for please look on Harpy's Head Tavern at