MAY 30, 2001
Zone Changes:
- Runnyeye has been changed. Something is up in Goblin land...
Spell and Song Changes and Bug Fixes:
- We've been fixing holes in the spell stacking code. For the most part the changes fix bugs that allowed tricks to get spells to stack that were never intended to stack.
- Increased duration on Bard Charm songs to 18 seconds from 12 seconds.
- Fixed the Spell Scroll for Imbue Amber so that Erudite Clerics of Cazic Thule can scribe it.
- The casting messages for Necromancer pet summoning spells have been changed to be more appropriate.
Features and Interface Changes:
- The variable %t will now work with /assist. So you can use /assist %t if you wish. Though it should have exactly the same effect as /assist without the %t.
- %r returns "corpse" for corpses and "NPC" for targeted NPCs.
- Sense traps failure message text color has been changed to user color 15 (same as other skill messages). The success message was already set to user color 15.
- Ignore Lists now work the same way that the Friends List does. It has been expanded to 30 names per character per server. The new ignore list is stored in the same ini file as the friends list (<character name>_<#>.ini). The first time a character is created or loaded after the patch their new ignore list will be a copy of the old ignore list, but will from then on be unique to the character.
- The Alt key now works in several new situations. It will now show item names when in the trade window. Because the trade items of the local player and the trading partner are so close together, the item names of the trading partner will always show up unless the player positions their mouse pointer over the local player part of the trade window, which will cause the game to only show the local player's trade item names.
- The Alt key will show item names for items in your bank.
- The Alt key will also pop up names for merchant items and corpse items when you hold it down in merchant mode or loot mode.
- The Alt key will even pop up names for items in open containers when held down and the mouse cursor is over the open container window (they don't show up otherwise).
- The client will now automatically reject a /duel request from any player that is on your /ignore list. Some players were using this to annoy players that had ignored them.
- You also will no longer see /consent messages from people that are on your /ignore list (this was also something people were doing to annoy people that had ignored them).
- /who GUILD (and the GUILD must be in caps) will now show you the members of your guild in your zone. You can also specify a guild name, such as /who "Irontoe Brigade".
- /safelock command added. /safelock will lock the EverQuest interface (mostly just mouse clicks, keyboard commands/movement, and most slash commands) with the password that you supply to the command. You must use this command a second time, supplying the same password, to unlock the interface. Passwords are NOT case-sensitive. So to lock your interface, you would type /safelock password. You would do the same to unlock it. REMEMBER: If you forget what password you typed, you will need to reboot your machine.
Item Changes:
- All the shields in the game that have the Ribcage graphic should now also have the ribcage icon when they are in your inventory.
- Tinkered Watchman helm should show up now.
- Ring of Pureblood is now equipable only on your fingers instead of your waist.
- Grand Master's Leg Wraps and Fists of the Grand Master are now No-Drop. They were intended to be No-Drop when they were created.
- Peacekeeper Staff and the Bug Collection box are no longer equipable. There are problems that can arise when containers can be equipped, so we had to disable that for these items.
- Sewing Kits: No existing sewing kits are being changed with this patch. But from now on, kits sold on vendors will be somewhat different. Large Sewing Kits will have 8 slots. Deluxe Sewing Kits will have 10 slots and weight slightly more than the Large Sewing Kit.
- Changed the color of the Kael SK quest armor from a very pretty blue-green to a more appropriate reddish-gray.
Other Stuff:
- Changed the spelling of Troubador to Troubadour for the 55th level bard title.

- King Tormax's spawn rate has been adjusted to be more in line with that of his counterparts in Velious. This is not the sort of thing that we will usually announce, as spawn times and things of that nature are part of the dynamic content of EverQuest. We're announcing this, however, to help avoid some confusion.